Friday, September 23, 2011


Collaboration is a wonderful thing.

Working together with someone to reach a common goal can lead to so much productivity!

Not to mention great ideas you may miss on your own.

Honestly, I simply cannot stress how wonderfully powerful and entertaining collaborative work is.

I guess I should explain.

I've made a new friend in my adventures through life. A talented one no less, my favorite.

Her name is Cat.

This morning I thought it would be neat if we made up a story.

I cannot really say I've done so with someone else before. I've sort of mashed two stories together. I've added characters to other  peoples stories,

but a real collaborative work?

Not till then.

Just the level of work we accomplished was fantastic. In what seemed like no time at all we had a whole story with quirky additives and hilarious characters. We even have the movie adaptation planned out.

This may be old news for everyone else out there,

but collaboration is simply fantastic when you have the right people.

Or in my case, person.

So it looks like I'll be writing a book~!

I'm sure it will have lots of doodles too.

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